Danatiko as it is called, the Danos Mansion, has dominated for more than 2.5 centuries in Ano Vitsa. It is probably the most beautiful mansion in Zagori and has been declared a monument by the Ministry of Culture in 2011, following the suggestion by the architect-engineer, Aliki Lytra. It is a classic mansion of Zagorian architecture of the 18th century, to which balconies were added a century after it was built. Characteristic furrows, i.e. corners carved to lighten the architectural form, characterize all three external walls. It is a manifestation of obvious monumental architecture. It has an inner courtyard - patio. It is surrounded by arches in the classical architectural type from ancient times to the Ottoman conquest.

Danatiko is destined to become a model World Mountain Youth Center (StarryLand), in collaboration with and right next to the facilities and infrastructure of the land beyond. Observing the sky all year round from this location, especially at night, is a unique phenomenon, calling the mind not only to astrology, but also to cosmogony, religion, philosophy, knowledge, the harmony of nature and peaceful coexistence. 

Educational and exhibition activities will offer everyone and especially children and young people the opportunity of a complete stay, with modern tools such as walking & talking, participatory leadership & collaborative platforms, open space & worldcafé, round tables and more. 

Danatiko is currently under study and preparation and is an unofficial place to visit after consultation with the land beyond. A photograph of the building has adorned, along with photographs of other architectural monuments, an exhibition of the Museum of Human Geography in Paris.

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