In the Land beyond we actively promote knowledge. We publish books, host book retreats and presentations, promote reading. There is a library with a study space. Events, seminars and conferences as well as civil society and voluntary activities are organised by us. We have the means and the know-how to create teams, to do knowledge management, to do reflection and meditation. We are working to elaborate a scholarship program shortly.

"Then we see how far more durable are the monuments of spirit and learning than the monuments of power or hands. For the verses of Homer would not have continued more than twenty-five hundred years without a syllable or letter being lost, by during which, unfinished palaces, temples, castles, cities have declined or been destroyed".
A Hymn to Knowledge by Francis Bacon (1561-1626).

"Read not, as children do, to be amused, Or, as the ambitious do, to learn. No. Read to live."
A nice prompt from Gustave Flaubert.
From presentations and walks to workshops and the creation of small communities that together can achieve a lot.
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The land beyond is a way of thinking and living. The creation of a community. Become part of the community by choosing the way that suits you best.