
Partner in the land beyond
Political Sciences and Literature education

She is responsible for culture and has created the Art and Literature series (ALLB). She offers accounting support for activities and is also the coordinator of several events/ activities. She believes in volunteering, freedom and individual responsibility, lifelong learning a more united (and digital) Europe.


Management and organization of activities

Having kicked off as a volunteer with Walking & Talking activities, Jason has been holding different posts within the organization. He holds a degree in Computer Science and he is passionate for the mountains and the Zagori region. He values the importance of volunteering and the principles of civil society.


Partner in the land beyond
Legal counselor

She believes in the freedom of expression, the defense of privacy. She actively fights misinformation on social networks, the spread of false news and online radicalization.


Volunteer & partner in the land beyond
Film school graduate

She believes in creativity and activism and supports every effort for sustainable development on a personal and business level.


Partner in the land beyond

He believes in the inseparable connection of physical exercise and peace of mind, the European idea, volunteering, and the constant search for knowledge.


Volunteer in the land beyond and young climate ambassador (YCA)
Graduate of the Eu

He believes in the recovery of the climate crisis through sustainable living, collective effort and love for nature.


Partner in the land beyond
Architect, Cultural Manager

"Zagorisios in origin and in soul, a volunteer who believes in active participation of citizens in the community and in the effort for social peace and prosperity."


Global Land Paths Manager, YCA

Dedicated to activism for climate action and for the rights of young people in the climate movement, in the international fora of Europe and Africa. Her experience, her scientific knowledge and her undivided passion are key catalysts for the formation of GLAP.

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The land beyond is a way of thinking and living. The creation of a community. Become part of the community by choosing the way that suits you best.