The second route starts from Aetomilitsa and takes us to Plikati where we will rest, dine, have fun, spend the night. The next morning we will be transferred to Chioniades and walk through Vourbiani to Pyrsogianni.
What can local communities expect from this trip?
The aim is to create a conduit - a flow of ideas, people, images, news through the path that is offered for it.
The land beyond invites you on the first weekend of June to the first action of the year to celebrate Environment Day (5/06) together at the inaugural event of Yonder on Saturday night.
The principle of wisdom of visiting names (Antisthenes). In other words, to know the origin of the word, etymological and semantic, in this case the history of the place-name.
We are open and we are waiting for you - at 1,000 meters altitude on the mountain in Ano Vitsa, in Central Zagori, where you will find Building C where C = Knowledge.
We thank all those who have contributed so far to the construction of the theater (during the conversion and evolution of the threshing floor), in the land beyond, in Vitsa, Zagori.
There are 7.5 billion people living on planet earth and we are facing a major health problem which threatens our lives and which concerns all of us. That is the definition of a pandemic.
When the wind blows, some people build forts and some other people build windmills. We start by walking. Just walking.
Ten years after the start, the entry into the second period and the maturation of the idea in the land beyond, is reflected in the new logo.
As if we have learned to do more and worse, instead of doing less and better and with less!
This is the name of the famous practical doctors of Zagori, who treated people and animals with medicinal plants and herbs exclusively of the flora of the gorge.